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Grade 5 Exhibition: Searching and Researching

How Google and Search engines Work

Using Google Operators to Search

Operators We Have Learned to Use

The Site Operator allows you to search within a single website. 

For example, to search for information about the most recent eclipse, specifically on NASA's website, you would use the "site:" search operator like this:

  1. In the search bar, type [ eclipse 2024 ].
  2. Press enter or click the search button.

This will show you results that are only from NASA's website, focusing on information related to climate change. It's an efficient way to find detailed and specific content about climate change directly from NASA.


Search within a range of numbers= [..]  

For example:  You are looking for information about or from the period 1980 to 2020: 

[climate change conferences 1980..2020]

Looking for documents put on line by academic sources, such as universities, museums, journals, governmental organizations, etc.? Use the filetype operator! In this case we are best looking for PDFs but you might also want to look for a power point presentation (PPT) or a JPEG.

Example: [fashion waste filetype:pdf] | or [fashion waste pdf]. (Click on the link to see the search results!)


Looking for the definition of a word?

Use - [define:] 

For example = [define:innovation]