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Grade 5 Exhibition: Searching and Researching

Finding Graphs and Charts

To find graphs and charts, which will demonstrate a change for the better or worse over time, try the following:  I started with these keywords but think I may need to refine them later: [statistics fashion waste graph chart pdf].

1. Notice that I put statistics first.  I could also put it after [fashion waste] and that might affect the results.  Why don't you try?

2. I really want a graph or chart which will demonstrate a change over time so how would I do this?  I decided to switch my keywords around a bit and add a number range:

[fashion waste statistics 1980..2020 graph chart pdf]

Have a look at the results (by clicking on the link just above) and especially at the fourth result over on the top.  In case you aren't sure which, here it is, Edge.   I particularly like the chart below.  It could be turned into a line or bar graph or a series of them.

Fashion waste stats