The Silk Road is the world’s oldest trade route. It brought silk, spices and porcelain, but also ideas and religions, from Asia to Europe. The rise of sea travel saw the decline of the land links, but now China is planning a new Silk Road.
Encyclopedia article about the Silk Road with a collection of interactive resources.
Information and maps about traveling the Silk Roads.
A description of Marco Polo's travels along the Silk Road.
Interactive map and information about the Silk Road.
Learn more about the history and cultures of the Silk Road.
John Green teaches you about the Silk Road, a network of trade routes where goods such were exchanged across the ancient world, from China to the West.
A collection of interactive atlases detailing routes of the Silk Road.
Maps of the Ancient Silk Road and five dynasties.
BBC - The Silk Road
On the trade routes which spanned Asia for over a thousand years, carrying Buddhism to China and paper-making and gunpowder westwards
BBC - A History of the World: The Silk Road and Beyond (AD 400-800)
Explores the world along and beyond the Silk Road in the 7th century AD at a time when the teachings of the prophet Muhammad were transforming the Middle East
The Silk Road Bibliography
Compiled by Joseph A. Adler at Kenyon College for his class on the Silk Road
Silk Road Seattle
A public educational project sponsored primarily by the University of Washington's Simpson Center for the Humanities. Provides digital materials for learning and teaching about the Silk Road -- historical texts, historic sites, cultures, bibliographies, atlases, and art exhibits
The Silkroad Foundation
Provides maps, article abstracts, photographs, time-lines and other resources and links to information on the Silk Road, Inner and Central Asia
The Silk Roads: An Education Resource, from Education About Asia
Many research recommendations by Morris Rossabi, on both general and specific eras, including many classic works on the silk roads
The Silk Roads: Early Globalization and Chinese Cultural Identities
Bibliography of relevant works by presenters at the East-West Center's 2010 NEH Summer Institute
"Designating the sea routes as "silk road" is original research - the term silk road denotes only the land routes and only those roads between the Med and China running in west-east direction, not those going from the west and east of India northwards." This information provided by the author of the derivative work. Red is land and blue is sea route.